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Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc., had four children:

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Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc., had four children:

Lisa Brennan-Jobs - Lisa is Steve Jobs' daughter from his relationship with Chrisann Brennan. She was born in 1978 and is a writer. She has written a memoir called "Small Fry" about her childhood and relationship with her father.

Reed Jobs - Reed is the eldest son of Steve Jobs and was born in 1991. He is a graduate of Stanford University and has been involved in a few technology startups.

Erin Jobs - Erin is Steve Jobs' second daughter and was born in 1995. She graduated from Stanford University and has worked as a fashion designer.

Eve Jobs - Eve is the youngest child of Steve Jobs and was born in 1998. She is an accomplished equestrian and has competed in several horse riding events.

It's worth noting that although Steve Jobs' children have certainly had unique opportunities and advantages, they have generally tried to maintain a relatively low profile and have not been heavily involved in the technology industry, at least not in the same way as their father.

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