<built-in method title of str object at 0x107628030> - 블루티쳐 영어학원

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별가람3 어법 최종정리

임희재 240430::165615 75

feel pp/a
2형식 be tasty(형) - taste(x)
2형식 taste best(형)

decide to v x
want to v x

tell you how~
gave N N
made me a bowl

feel N ~ing/a/rv
made N happy(a)
makes you (feel good)2형식
Let me share (동명동)

be going to = will
be able to = can
have to = should = must(비슷) = need to

*how에 대하여
I know how old you are (접속사, 간접의문문)
How old are you? (의문사)
How do you know that?(의)
I know how you know that.(접,간의)

*that생략원칙-주어가 살아있어야 생략가능!
-I hope (that, 접속사 생략) s v x
-S V N (that, 관대 생략) SV
the pictures (that) I took
something (that made me happy)-what(x, 생략불가)

chance (to v x)
courage (to v x)
advice (to v x)
way (to v x)

*if, whether
be sure if(=whether)
동이프 know [whether]=if

Here V S-도치, 수일치
There V S

* WHAT 절
것 about what you like to do (x) 불완전
것 what makes you happy
***어떤~지(명사절) what [comfort foods=X] [our international readers=S] {enjoy=V}

[Pursuing a dream, 동명사주어, 단수취급] is not easy.

명관동-수일치 cake that looks

*주의할 표현
trial and error-시행착오
bold-대담한, 굵은
not ~ at all 전혀
stable 안정된
look 형 (어떠하게 보이다)
look like 명 (~처럼 보이다)
out of의미? ~로 부터(=from)
Every time = whenever = no matter when
so that~하기 위해 = in order that svx
the most-the more(x)

*enter에 대하여
enter into(착수하다, 시작하다)
enter N(들어가다)

think [about] life
make you think [of] happy moments
think [of] my grandmother

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